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Advantage for Dogs - 21 - 55 lbs - RED - 4 tubes

Advantage for Dogs - 21 - 55 lbs - RED - 4 tubes
Part# 53
Type Flea & Tick
Brand Advantage
Color / Dose RED
Pack Size 4 tubes
Pet For Dogs
Pet Weight 21 - 55 lbs
Expires 2028-Sep-1
User Rating ½ [Rate It!]
4.4 out of 5
(10 times)  [View Details!]

Unit Price $29.95

Advantage is a once a month topical flea treatment for cats and kittens over 8 weeks or older and dogs and puppies 7 weeks or older. This product kills 98-100% of the fleas on cats and dogs within 12 hours. Comes in the following sizes - Small Dog Green- for puppies over 6 weeks and small dogs up to 10lbs; Medium Dog Teal for dogs 11-20lbs; Large Dog Red for dogs 21- 55lbs and Extra Large Dog Blue for dogs over 55lbs; Small Cat Orange for cats and kittens up to 9lbs; Large Cat Purple for cats over 9lbs.


Color Pets Weight (lb) Weight (kg) Imidacloprid (9.1%)
Orange Small Cats under 9lbs under 4kg 0.4ml
Purple Large Cats over 9lbs over 4kg 0.8ml
Green XS Dogs under 10lbs under 4kg 0.4ml
Teal Small Dogs 11 - 20lbs 4 - 10kg 1.0ml
Red Medium Dogs 21 - 55lbs 10 - 25kg 2.5ml
Blue Large Dogs Over 55lbs 25 - 50kg 4.0ml

Place the applicator tip through the animals hair to the skin level. On cats, apply to skin on neck at the base of the skull. For dogs up to 20 lbs, apply to skin on back between the shoulder blades. For dogs 21 lbs or over apply the contents of one tube to 3 or 4 spots along the skin on back from the shoulder to the tail. Do not get this product in the pet's eyes or mouth.

This product is for external use on dogs 7 weeks or older and cats 8 weeks or older. Consult a veterinarian before using on medicated animals, animals using this product with other pesticides, and debilitated, aged, pregnant or nursing animals. This product causes eye irritation in humans and is harmful if swallowed. Avoid contact with skin. Call poison control center if swallowed. If on skin, wash with plenty of soap and water. If in eyes, flush with plenty of water.

Imidacloprid (9.1%), Inert ingredients (90.9%)


4 - by Charles Hamaker on 2013-Feb-5
Stuff that works! - I've used Advantage for dogs and for cats for years. It works completely: no fleas in a climate that previously generated regular infestations. Just use as directed for an end to the problem, with no apparent ill effects on the pets.
3 - by Susan B., Wilmington, NC on 2013-Jan-11
This didn't work on my dog. - I'm sure this had nothing to do with the product but it didn't kill the fleas on my dog. I had to go back to a prescription brand from my vet.
5 - by Timothy W. Hardin "best daddy in the world", Huntsville Ala on 2013-Jan-3
Works. - After moving to south alabama and my currrnt meds quit working we bought this. It worked well. My dog thanks u
3 - by Brandy on 2012-Dec-9
It killed a lot of fleas but after 2 months of doses we still had fleas - It killed a lot of fleas but after useing it for two months we still have a few fleas. That's all I have to say
5 - by beedyreader on 2012-Aug-14
Awesome Relief for my 8yr old Pup - Advantage has been great - we used to use Frontline, purchased from our vet. When we talked to her about it not working, she said it was likely the fleas in our neighborhood had adapted and could tolerate the poison (TONS of animals, and plenty of yards for them to wait in hiding for your four-legged friend). Once we saw the price differences, we started purchasing at (man, what a chunk of dough we've saved). As with ANY chemical, it is indeed a factually based claim that insects can evolve past whatever favorite chemical product you've used for years. Sometimes you've got to change it up. So we switched to Advantage - and let me tell you(!!) - Cora, our pup, has never been happier. Sometimes I can get away with 6wks of flea freedom, since she's not often outdoors. But we do live in the South East - the mild winters lately somtimes mean year round treatment, though I can skip a month or two sometimes. As soon as she starts scratching, I can dose her and she stops being 'itchy' in less than ten minutes. For me, who pretty much has her stuck to my side all day - the quick stop in scratching is a HUGE relief as well!
5 - by MommyOf3 on 2011-Oct-9
Very Effective Product - Very effective product ,it killed all fleas within hours of applying it on my dog. Also very pleased with the price and service . Highly recommended Update:Jan.07,2013 Good Product ,but will no longer purchase from this seller because they have doubled their price in less than a year :(
5 - by xaxa on 2011-Sep-14
Works wonders!!!! - My dogs went from 345345345 fleas to 0 within 1 day. I'm amazed at how well this product works. Definitely worth the money.
4 - by Jersey on 2011-Jan-6
Works! - We recently had a flea infestation in the house due to one of our dogs running away and finding her 3 weeks later... she was filthy and full of fleas. They were even in the carpet! But a few days after applying this to the dogs - no more fleas! Very grateful for this product!
5 - by M. Colon "Mrs.CinLB", ByTheSea, NJ on 2010-Nov-14
Advantage is the best for bunnies (KITTEN FORMULA ONLY!), cats (CAT FORMULA ONLY OR THEY CAN DIE) and dogs(DOG FORMULA ONLY)! - I HAVE USED KITTEN FORMULA ADVANTAGE ON MY BUNNIES, SEE BELOW FOR INSTRUCTIONS, 4 CATS OF VARYING AGES AND 2 DOGS. 1 IS A SMALL DOG AND ONE IS A MEDIUM-LARGE. NOTHING IS BETTER OR SAFER IN MY OPINION! USE AS DIRECTED BELOW! MAKE SURE FOR BUNNIES AND CATS YOU USE KITTEN FORMULA. FOR MATURE CATS OVER A YEAR, YOU CAN USE THE OLDER CAT FORMULA BUT TO SAVE MONEY, YOU CAN USE A FULL TUBE OF KITTEN FORMULA ON MATURE CAT, EVEN SUPPLEMENTING A FEW DROPS MORE IF NEEDED WITHIN A FEW DAYS TO SAVE MONEY. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS TO THE "T", LIKE I DID AND YOUR PETS SHOULD DO GREAT! YOU CAN USE THE ADVANTAGE ORANGE FORMULA FOR KITTENS, (ONLY!) ON BUNNIES OVER 6 WEEKS OLD. DO NOT use the cat formula, puppy or dog formula on the Bunnies or any other animal! DO NOT use the cat formula on the dogs and vice versa! You can kill your cat using dog products on them! WHEN APPLYING TO BUNNIES, PUT ON BACK OF NECK UP BY HEAD WHERE SKULL AND NECK MEET. FOR DWARF AND 6 WEEK TO 4 MONTH OLD BUNNIES, USE 1/2 OF A KITTEN TUBE. FOR BIGGER BUNNIES ABOUT 9+ LBS, YOU CAN USE A WHOLE TUBE OF THE KITTEN FORMULA. FOR CATS AND DOGS, APPLY BETWEEN SHOULDER BLADES. FOR JUST DOGS, START AT BETWEEN SHOULDER BLADES AND U CAN PUT THE AMOUNT IN INCREMENTS DOWN THE SPINE IN 3 DOT LIKE APPLICATIONS, STARTING BETWEEN THE SHOULDER BLADES. FOR DOGS LESS THAN 21-55LBS., YOU CAN BUY THE LARGER DOG FORMULA AND USE A SMALLER AMOUNT, IE: 7 LB DOG, 1/3 OF TUBE. THIS SAVES $ IF YOU HAVE A BIG AND A SMALL DOG, AS DO I. MAKE SURE WHEN YOU BREAK THE SEAL AND CLOSE THE LID TO WRAP IT IN A LITTLE SERAN WRAP AND STORE INA COOL, DRY PLACE. SEALING OUT THE AIR WILL KEEP THE FORMULA FROM SPOILING FOR A MONTH OR 2. THIS IS MY REVIEW... After speaking to the company, I found out that the same chemical used on human food to keep pests off from our lettuce, greens, etc. is what this is! I used it as directed on my one cat (used on all 4 but this situation happened as part of my review) and she licked herself by her shoulder and her mouth foamed AND she was running around freaked out by the bitterness of the taste. IMMEDIATELY, I called the Bayer company and was myself, very scared BUT they told me that my cat should be fine and within 4-5 minutes, my 1 y/old kitty was fine/back to normal!!! I BOUGHT THIS STUFF AS OPPOSED TO FRONTLINE AND USED THE APPROPRIATE FORMULAS ON MY 2 RABBITS, (THEY'RE INDOOR BUNNIES.) 4 KITTIES AND 2 DOGS AND IT WORKED WONDERFULLY! You have to give it a day to set in and your pets will be itching a little more as the fleas freak out but within a day or two (2 for medium and larger dogs since there is more area for the formula to travel down their' backs) you WILL see a difference! My aunt and sister used Frontline and complained all summer while my animals from June to now, Nov. 2010, were great! This is as close to natural in the Bayer world as you'll get and I RECOMMEND IT OVER ANY PRODUCT I HAVE EVER USED! I WILL NEVER USE ANY OTHER PRODUCT. :)
5 - by dcal_of_galveston on 2010-Sep-15
My dog thanks you - My wee terrier Chief was in dire straits - the fleas around here are vicious and were eating him alive! I bought Advantage Flea Control at a recommendation of a neighbor. The best price I could find was with this seller. I ordered it late on a Friday and it was shipped that same day! It came here quickly and is exactly what was described! Thank you so much!!!

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